Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura - The Book

The book presents three works in their entirety (Tunnel, 2005-2006 - Orridi, 2007 - Crepacci, 2008-2009) under the title There's no time to be afraid. It develops into a structure that refers to Dante's Divine Comedy, although here the succession of hell, purgatory and paradise does not correspond to an ascent, but everything moves towards our planet's deep and its mountains, its darkest caverns, natural or artificial, surrounded by rock or ice. Here, at the bottom of the visible, a poem is played, marked by fine detail, color nuances, symbolic references, a slow passage through a visual narrative that eventually emerges as the central node of the entire work.

Curated by Francesco Zanot
Texts by Francesca Lazzarini, Francesca Mila Nemni, Francesco Zanot
Produced by Mountain Photo Festival, Aosta

88 images, 192 pages
cm 26 x 21
Musumeci Editore, Aosta 2011
40 Euro
ISBN-10: 8870328627
ISBN-13: 978-8870328622

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Sample pictures:


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura


Luca Andreoni - Non si fa in tempo ad avere paura



email: luca [at]

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